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Food. Stories. Drinks. Film Reviews. Scripts.

Welcome! Being a writer, cineaphile, and foodie, I wanted a place to bring all of my loves together. Stories and the breaking of bread and sharing of wine are what bring people together. Here are some of my favorite places, recipes, memories, stories, scripts, and film reviews. I hope you enjoy!  

A Week of Movie Recommendations: Escapism 1

A Week of Movie Recommendations: Escapism 1

Ever since shelter in place began in March, on my Facebook page, I have been recommending a film daily. Several people have asked if I could compile those recommendations. So this begins a series of recommendations where each day I recommend a movie based on a theme.

Escapism 1

Day 1 Movie Recommendation

Escapism conjures different stories for everyone. Sometimes by escapism, we mean stories that are completely otherworldly. These could in "The Wizard of Oz" and "Star Wars". Other times we simply mean a well told story that pulls you in. That type of story can be any genre such as a thriller, Hitchcock's "North by Northwest" or Spielberg's "ET". For some that means comedy, something to lighten the spirit whether that be good old fashion slap stick and screwball comedy, "Some Like It Hot" or something a little more risqué like "There's something about Mary". But on this daily series, I am emphasizing movies that I wouldn't consider great movies (like the ones I just named) in order to shine a spotlight on other films. I will rotate through a variety of these type of escape films.

For today, I've selected a film that is of the first variety, one that transports us to another place.

"Babe: Pig in the City" *** 1/2

Babe Pig in the City.jpg

"Babe: Pig in the City" is one of those true rarities. A sequel that is better than the original. While it doesn't to the height of "Godfather Part II" or "Empire Strikes Back", it does take a family friendly original film that had a great and lovely premise to a whole new world. The city as it is imagined in "Babe: Pig in the City" is as textured as a Wes Anderson film or Jacques Tati movie. Funny, with a great use of animations, and a heartfelt story, this film will transport you away to a place as whimsical as can only exist in our imaginations.

Here is the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMVvjFTDFO4&t=26s

Day 2 Movie Recommendation

Continuing our escapist entertainment suggestions, today's film is one of those movies that sweeps you up in the action and never lets you down.

"Speed" *** 1/2


"Speed" is an action movie that has it all. Career defining performances from Keanu Reeves (changing him from a silly teenager to an action star) and introducing Sandra Bullock to a larger audience, to an incredible villain played by Dennis Hopper, to bad but wonderful dialogue ("Pop Quiz, Hot Shot!"), to a romance, to suspense, to a crazy premise that keeps you trapped and uncertain about what is coming around the corner. "Speed" is a string of great 90's action films. Enjoy!

Here is the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8piqd2BWeGI&t=37s

Day 3 Movie Recommendation

Today in our escapism movie recommendation, rather than transporting you to another world or even telling a story that feels like a runaway bus, let's go with comedy. For a lot of people, laughs are where escapism is at. My personal taste in comedy tends towards darker comedy and satire, but neither of those are typically escapism. So let's go with one of the zanier and innocent (odd word for these filmmakers) Coen brothers' films: "The Hudsucker Proxy"

"The Hudsucker Proxy" *** 1/2


I can only imagine how the Coen's came up with the premise for this movie. Who the hell ever thought the hula-hoop was a good idea? In telling the story of Norville Barnes, the "dumb" genius who comes up with the hula-hoop, the Coens craft a great screwball comedy (fast incredible dialogue especially delivered by the amazing Jennifer Jason Leigh), a surrealistic experience (complete with fantasy dances to Carmen, a clock worker named Moses and even a Dues Ex Machina), as well as bringing Paul Newman out of retirement to play a great villain. Although not on par with the Coen's "Raising Arizona", "Hudsucker" is a wonderful and funny film.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TM2cacUHnAM

Day 4 Movie Recommendation:

On today's edition of Escapism Entertainment, we turn to the thriller. Not a medical one of course, please, we are talking about escapism, but one that grips you and perhaps plays with a little of the supernatural... or maybe not.

One of the masters of this is the creator of "The Evil Dead" and "A Simple Plan", Sam Raimi. But one his forgotten films is

"The Gift" *** 1/2

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A great moody thriller, set in a moody small southern town, a young woman disappears. The town turns to the local clairvoyant, played by a great Cate Blancett, to find the girl. A great thriller, one that keeps you on edge through it's incredible sense of a haunting place and perhaps a little mysticism, too bad it is often overshadowed by some of Raimi's other more famous, but less thrilling movies. I'm looking at you the original "Spider-man".

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19zskSsKgXE (sorry, not the greatest quality video of the trailer)

Day 5 Movie Recommendation

For today's escapism film, sometimes nostalgia is a true escape. A movie that illustrates this so well and the dangers of it is "Midnight in Paris", but we are doing escapism, not the dangers of it. So, as I was going through nostalgic movies, obviously nostalgia is different for everyone, I was drawn to a movie about a more innocent time. A movie that had everything in childhood, adventures, romance, a regular guy becoming a hero, villains defeated. I went to a superhero movie before superhero movies were popular.

"The Rocketeer" ***

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"The Rocketeer" is one of the great family films of the early 1990s. Set in the 1930s, already nostalgic, and playing off an "Indiana Jones" vibe (even borrowing the Nazis as enemies) the Rocketeer is about a poor guy, madly in love with a young woman who is way above his league (the talented and gorgeous Jennifer Connelly), but wants to wait for a day when he's got enough money to make their life great. But that day just doesn't seem to come when he discovers a rocket pack and becomes the superhero the Rocketeer. What a joyous and fun film.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi0Et31E7s4

Day 6 Movie Recommendation

Sometimes we just need a "feel good movie". Obviously, the idea of what is a "feel good movie" changes from person to person, but how about a movie with out villain? A story with realistic and yet dynamic and charismatic characters learning to be themselves and bringing their traditional family with them?

"Bend it Like Beckham" ***

bend it like beckham.jpg

I was dragged to see this movie by friends. I had no real interest, but wow, I was caught up by the magic that director, Gurinder Chadha, puts on a screen. There is a palpable sense of love from the director for filmmaking (she plays with elements like the portrait of the family patriarch above the fire place always changing its expression), a palpable sense of her love for her characters (this film basically introduced both Parminder Nagra and Keira Knightely to the world), and a love of her culture (it walks that fine balance between embracing the individuality of its main character without villainizing her traditional parents). It is fun and joyous, without an antagonist, but with real stakes. As someone who had to navigate my own journey through my father's traditional Chinese views and my choice to be an artist, Chadha's film hits home, but thankfully is a lot more joyous and fun than my journey.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Pt_GMDdGo

Day 7 Movie Recommendation

Ending our week of Escapist movies (will return on 29th, next week we will be doing Hope for Humanity Films), is a form of escapism feeding off the joy of the actors. Yesterday with "Bend it like Beckham", I spoke about the director, Gurinder Chadha's, love of filmmaking that is palpably felt throughout the film. Today's film focuses on actors. These two actors play characters whose conflict is like a chess game and in their debate you can feel the actors having fun, despite the tension and stakes involved

"Crimson Tide" ***

In this Tony Scott action film, the action is front and center, but the film is not about the action, but rather, the performances by Denzel Washington as a first in command and Gene Hackman as the captain of a nuclear submarine. The two have a philosophical difference about whether an interrupted transmission should cause them to suspend their orders until they receive the transmission or whether they should follow their original orders to fire nuclear missiles. The brilliance of the climax of the movie is that it comes down to a debate about horses as they wait to see who is right. Oh and the movie has a great Star Trek reference as well. It's a fun ride with two actors at the top of their game.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3ItZQb-GLM

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