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Food. Stories. Drinks. Film Reviews. Scripts.

Welcome! Being a writer, cineaphile, and foodie, I wanted a place to bring all of my loves together. Stories and the breaking of bread and sharing of wine are what bring people together. Here are some of my favorite places, recipes, memories, stories, scripts, and film reviews. I hope you enjoy!  

Recipe: Meatloaf Sandwiches

Recipe: Meatloaf Sandwiches

The word “meatloaf” for many people is as off putting as “tuna noodle casserole”. People imagine a dry “loaf” (is there a worse word to describe the shape of meat?) shaped log with ketchup on top that is only eatable if eaten with good mashed potatoes or smothered with good gravy. But, meatloaf is an American classic and can be done right. It is also a cheap way to make a lot of food.

My mother made meatloaf when I was growing up. Hers was good. Her secret was using Korr’s French Onion Soup mix in her meatloaf. In my version, I pay homage to that, but update it a little. If I am using it for just a meal, I actually pan sear the individual pieces in butter before pouring gravy into the pan and adding roasted garlic to it, bathing the meatloaf in the gravy and cooking it in that liquid to rehydrate it. But, if I know I am going to use it for later, I simply cut off the pieces I want to eat (cook them in the method mentioned above) and then store the cooked, but not sautéed meatloaf in the fridge.

However, meatloaf often has left overs. What to do with it? Certainly meatloaf and eggs in the morning is a great breakfast (very Hawaiian actually). But, my favorite is to make meatloaf sandwiches.

So, here it is! Meatloaf sandwiches


  • Meatloaf

  • 1 lb 90% lean ground beef

  • ½ small onion diced

  • 1 celery rib / stick

  • 1 package Korr’s French Onion Soup Mix

  • 2 cloves of roasted garlic

  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves chopped

  • 1 teaspoon fresh oregano chopped

  • 1 teaspoon fresh parsley chopped

  • 1 cup PANKO bread crumbs (do not use anything else)

  • ½ cup of milk

  • 1 large egg beaten

  • 1 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • Ketchup to coat

For the sandwich

  • 2 pieces of toasted bread (I used a whole wheat)

  • ¼ cup of cheddar cheese shredded or 2 cheddar slices

  • 1 tablespoon butter

  • Splash of water

  • Arugula

  • Mayonnaise

Preheat oven to 400.

For meatloaf, start by cutting the onion and celery into a small dice and add it to a tablespoon of melted butter in a skillet. Turn the heat to a medium and add salt and pepper. Sauté until the vegetables are tender. Remove from the heat and let cool.

Place the ground beef into a large bowl. Add in the beaten egg, Worcestershire, roasted garlic cloves (you can buy them or roast them yourself), Korr’s French Onion Soup Mix, thyme, oregano, parsley, milk, cooled vegetable mixture, salt, and pepper. Combine until the mixture is completely mixed. Only once it is mixed, begin sprinkling in the bread crumbs and mixing by hand until all incorporated. You do not want to over mix.

On a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, take the meatloaf mixture and form into a log. Then brush the top with ketchup to cover it.

Place into the 400 degree oven and turn it down to 375. Bake for 20-30 minutes until cooked through.

Remove from the oven, let cool and store in the refrigerator.

To make the sandwiches:

Begin by cutting a thick slice of meatloaf that fits your bread. If you need two slices to make it work, go for it. Then in a large skillet, melt the butter. When it is hot, but not brown, add the meatloaf to the pan, cut-side down so that the meatloaf can brown. Continue to cook in butter until it is caramelized. Flip and caramelize the other side.

Toast both sides of your bread so they are done before you begin to put the cheese on the meatloaf.

At this point, top the meatloaf with the shredded cheese and add a little water to the hot skillet. Immediately cover. The water will vaporize quickly and melt the cheese as well as warm up the interior of the meatloaf. After the cheese is melted, you’re read to assemble.

On one side of the bread smear mayo, on the other side of the bread smear ketchup. Place the meatloaf slice on top of the mayo and then top the meatloaf with arugula before putting the top piece of bread that has the ketchup onto the meatloaf.



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